His name is Samarel. Artist. Magic Man. Wizard.
While I was already familiar with his erotic artwork (I LOVE erotica), I "met" him after I discovered that he did personal sensual portraits for people. Wanting to surprise my husband with a canvas portrait of the two of us for our upcoming anniversary, I contacted Samarel. I had questions to ask him. He was quick to respond, and I sent him a photograph for him to work from. Soon I was in possession of an impossibly gorgeous canvas print of the hubby and me. The colors he utilized and his technique were captivating.
I was enchanted.
I went back to him for more.
The above image is one he did for me from this photograph of myself taken in October:

He was able to slip inside of my mind and see what resides there. The rare and quiet times when I can immerse myself in my thoughts and feelings. His natural instincts led him to apply the colors and designs to give depth to the image and a meaning that the photograph was unable to express. This will be carved into my headstone...the only addition is that wings will be added. You see, he unknowingly chose designs that resonate with who I am. That golden orb in the upper right corner TO ME is the moon. And I am a child of the nite. I also see an angel in the upper left corner. I do have angels watching over me. Of that I am sure. The colors are precisely right to match the solitude of the moment.
This portrait is on canvas. A 24" x 36" canvas. And it will proudly hang on my wall.
Aside from his obvious wizardry with digital imagery, the man is a good one. Kind. Thoughtful. Intelligent. Sexy. Extremely funny, too! I enjoy and appreciate him a tremendous amount.
If you are looking for a clever and unique gift to give someone, or even to give to yourself, do consider having a portrait done by this delightful and talented artist. I guarantee that you will be pleased.
You can view his portrait site here: Samarel's Custom Portraits
"And my aim in life is to make pictures and drawings, as many and as well as I can; then, at the end of my life, I hope to pass away, looking back with love and tender regret, and thinking, 'Oh, the pictures I might have made.' " ~Vincent Van Gogh