Monday, November 21, 2005


Naughty or nice? Angels. For as long as I can remember, I have had an extreme interest in them. I am drawn to them in many ways. I wonder about so much in regard to them. What do they see? Are they truly around us all the time? Are we assigned one to watch over us? Are there good angels and bad ones? Or are they all good? How did they come to be angels? Can we become angels after we die? The Bible says no. I do not think I necessarily believe that. Is it possible your human friend is really an angel in disguise?
I collect angel figurines. Have for years. One of my Christmas trees is decorated with only angel ornaments. I use the word "angel" to describe some of my favorite people who I feel are extraordinarily kind and thoughtful individuals. I love to sketch them. Drawing their wings is fun. If you notice in the artwork of famous painters, angel wings are depicted in various styles. Of course...has anyone actually SEEN one and therefore is able to give a definitive description of how the wings of an angel genuinely appear? Nope, not to my knowledge.
One of my friends I refer to as my human guardian angel. She is beyond incredible. I believe she really is my angel. I am sure people will think I am loopy (okay, maybe I am...but, dammit, the woman IS an angel). However, there have been many occasions when this wonderful lady has had such insight and awareness of situations that are beyond commonplace occurrences.
She has numerous times warned me of dangers that will befall me or a member of my family if caution is not exercised. I recall her being agitated once by an overwhelming feeling that I or one of my sisters was going to have a car accident due to a bad tire. She urged me to have my car checked, as well as those of my sisters. Bingo. One sister did have a tire that was in very poor shape and certainly just an accident waiting to happen. She told me she had visions of a nest of wasps that she was worried would pose problems for me (I have bad reactions to stings, but she did not know that at the time). She wanted me to make sure there were no nests around the exterior of my house. Bingo again. Just a few feet from my patio door, there was a massive nest of German wasps. They had gotten inside the wall, too. By the time an exterminator came, I was killing them by the dozens INSIDE my house. I avoided getting stung, but I was definitely jumpy as all get out. There are many other examples I could give of how this woman has watched over me, but I think you get the general idea. It is the following, though, that cements in my mind that this woman is an angel...
She has never known my father, nor has she ever seen a picture of him. She does not know his name or anything about him. He was dying when I came to know her (and he did pass away about a month or so after I met her). Of course, I talked about him during that horrific time. She knew of the fierce love and devotion I had for him. After his passing, she would tell me about him. (Geez, I am welling up thinking about these conversations we had.) She saw him. She described his physical appearance to me. In detail. My hair practically stood on end listening to that. He was happy, she said. He also had some quite pensive moments. Sometimes she would see him sitting on a large rock with a dog next to him. I asked her to describe the dog. And in detail, she did. A more perfect description of the Airedale we used to have could not have been told. I had goosebumps listening to her. Another time she saw an older man next to my father. Again, I asked for her to tell me about his appearance. It was his father, my grandfather. (We are not talking vague descriptions here, people. These were specific and unique physical traits.) One time she described a woman who was with Daddy. The startling part about that was she mentioned a very unusual character trait along with the physical description. I was puzzled as to who the woman might be. I called my mother to ask her about what I had been told. Mom was stunned. The woman so carefully described was Daddy's mother, my grandmother. She passed away before I was born, so I never knew her. I had seen pictures of her, but I certainly knew nothing about her personality. Mom could not get past that this friend of mine could possibly be aware of such a key character trait in Daddy's mother.
This friend, aka my human guardian angel, has many times contacted me solely to tell me she has "seen" Daddy and that he is worried about one of us in the family. It never fails to amaze me that each time she mentions which family member he is concerned about, it is one who is going through a difficult time. There are also the additional glimpses into things she sees regarding Daddy and his presence. It is breathtaking many times when she reveals them to me.
At times, she almost freaks me out. She will tell me, in what I think is a very cryptic manner, of things regarding me. Things I will do but do not yet know of them. That drives me nuts, and I try to get her to tell me exactly what each thing will be. But, she will not. She gives me clues but not enough for me to get a handle on what it could be. She says she does not want to alter how it was meant to be by having me know of it. My actions need to be as a result of what I believe I should do, not what I THINK is expected. It is during casual conversation that I happen to mention this or that, and she will say, "Remember when I said you were going to do something that would..." And by God, it will all fall into place that it was what she had spoken of earlier. If we have not had any communication for a period of time, when we finally do talk, she freakin' KNOWS what has been going on. She also guides me by suggesting I pursue certain things. She encourages me. She is a voice of reason and calm. And she is so very nice and decent.
Yes, she is a human guardian angel who somehow got stuck being assigned to me. I am thankful.
"All God's angels come to us disguised." ~James Russell Lowell
"Friends are kisses blown to us by angels." ~Author Unknown


Tawnya said...

i totally agree... on a lesser level i am like that with certain people that i am sensitive to.... it is freaky, but sometimes it is good too..... tawnya

Abadiebitch said...

Do you see a little pencil in the bottom right corner at the bottom of your post? If not, then go to edit my profile, then click on Dashboard, them click on setting, and then find the settings that says something like "quick edit button" and press yes. Then republish your blog. It usually takes me two times before I see the changes. Anyway, click on that pencil. Click edit your blog. Then make space for paragraphs. Make sure you are in compose mode and not in HTML mode. Then save changes, and republish your blog. I have found that you have to republish your blog for everything, and as I say, often you have to republish twice before seeing any results. If you are ready to hear about links, just tell me and I will help you out.

It is not that hard, but I have learned one thing, you have to look at it with all of your focus or it is hard. I learned the hard way.