Monday, November 28, 2005


Nope, I did not break my leg. I just thought it was an appropriate picture for this entry's title and contents. I am overwhelmed. I am not unhappy, only feeling pressed for time. Aside from the Christmas hustle and bustle (which I cannot say I dislike!), there are some additional tasks I have been asked to do. I can feel myself being pulled in all different directions, and I reckon most of that is my own fault.

Due to my lack of skills working with html, I have two entries on my AOL journal (ME AND MINE ~ and THE GIFT ~ ) that I have not put in here. I usually do that right away. But, I am still confounded by the operating techniques of this blog, and I was having trouble getting pictures placed in spots other than just the top. ME AND MINE had pictures scattered throughout it. ::sigh:: I love the graphics in my journals, and it disappoints me when I cannot use them.

Anyway, for the time being at least, I am going to take the easy and familiar road. And that is to post solely on my AOL journal. PLEASE COME VISIT ME THERE. The link is The entries will be the exact same as the ones I would be posting here, except the animations will be animated!

Should any of you wish me to link you on my journal there, feel free to tell me, and I will do so! I have not been able to figure out how to add links on this journal. See, I am html dense.

Warm hugs and wishes to you.

1 comment:

BlogOmar said...

So many places to check, but I is!