Friday, November 25, 2005


Ah, Thanksgiving Day is over. Snow swirled in the wind, chilling us but making us feel so alive. I received and gave bunches of smooches and hugs. Pictures were taken, much to the dismay of the children who were far more intent on wanting to devour their plates of food. Our meal was fabulous, the conversation alternated between interesting and entertaining and downright hysterical, and a good time was had by everyone. I have to be thankful for that...each and every day.

My father-in-law bought us a little "just because" gift. It is an antique glass Dazey paddle churn for making butter. (I collect antiques and already have a large wooden butter churn.) It is a pretty large one. Maybe four quarts. He and my hubby are going to make butter tomorrow. ::grin:: Isn't that cute? I was instructed to get online and find the directions for making it. I did. I found them. I printed them. Everything is all set for the big butter making ordeal tomorrow.

Now during the course of my search for the recipe, the phone rang. It was a friend of my husband's. He is also quite knowledgeable about antiques. He and hubby discussed the butter churn my father-in-law gave us. Those suckers are expensive. However, this friend happened to mention that the pint-sized ones are more rare and more valuable. Uh oh. Hubby's mistake was telling me that.

You know? Sometimes things are NOT our fault. Why? Simply because we do not want them to be! Such is the case in regard to the following. I began to search online for these rare small glass paddle churns. eBay had some. I want one. I did not until that friend had to go and say they are rare. Therefore, it is his fault. I began bidding on one. It was VERY rare~only one-half pint in size. I told the hubster that I'd probably only spend $50 and then I would stop bidding. No problem, said he.

This is only my second time bidding on eBay merchandise. I won the first time I did it. I found an antique spinning wheel that was beautiful. I was shocked when I was the winner, because I honestly had no clue what I was doing. I knew what to do this time around. The minutes began ticking down on this tiny churn, and I felt certain someone would top the maximum bid I had set. I got notification that it had, indeed, been topped. I had to hurry to place my new bid. I did, and briefly I was winning. Then another notification arrived saying that someone had outbid me, and I only had X minutes to bid again. I did. I went to $210. Mere seconds were left. I FELT that little glass paddle churn in my hands. And some prick upped it to $212.50. While I was frantically placing my new bid, time ran out. I was pissed. I lost. No teeny churn for me. On the plus side, no honked off hubby to chastise me for spending $150+ more than I said I was going to spend. ::laugh::

I do have my eye on another one that is pint-sized. It should be most interesting to see how high the price goes. Curious to see how high I go, too. I do not like to lose. This is almost like a game to me. And when it comes to game time, no holds barred. I am a competitive broad.

Well, my house is alive with the sound of snoring. Time for me to check back with eBay. I hope all of you had the happiest of days!

"Competition is the spice of sports; but if you make spice the whole meal you'll be sick." ~George Leonard


BosieLadie said...

Ahh!!! eBay! My guy is a eBay fanatic! I love the quote, and I will be sharing the quote with him, he needs to read it! lol Good luck with finding rare butter churns.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Ebay can be so addicting! I literally cannot go on that site...

Judith HeartSong said...

I have never bid on anything at EBAY.... but it is amazing what you can find there. :):):)