Monday, October 09, 2006

IMPERFECT OBSERVER~Self-Portrait Challenge, October, Week 2

In contrast to my previous week's SPC entry, this one is lighter. Yay. Sometimes I can take myself far too seriously. Not this time, though!

I am a bona fide gaper. I love to stare at people. In my mind, I guess what their occupations might be and if they look like they are happy. I note how they walk, any obvious or even subtle mannerisms, their clothing, neatness level, their physique, their hands, and I decide if they are attractive or unattractive. I am judging books by their covers, in a way. Sometimes those covers are gorgeous.

Because odd lighting inside buildings can occasionally trigger a migraine, I tend to wear my sunglasses not only outdoors, but also when indoors in places with funky lights. Although the lenses appear quite dark, there is virtually no color distortion when looking through them. They just take away the glare that drives me nuts. That said, I can get away with staring and staring and staring at people. They cannot see my eyes well at all. I am a stealth gaper hiding behind my sunglasses.

The problem? There are two. I dislike the fact that I am essentially judging people based solely on appearance. Even though it is fairly harmless and means nothing to them because they would never know what I was thinking, the fact that not always positive thoughts run through my mind bothers me. The plus side is that I am totally aware that appearances can be, and often are, very deceiving. The other problem is that I sometimes get so caught up in perusing an individual that I do not realize my intent stare has not gone unnoticed. It just happened to me at the grocery store the other day. Hot dude standing at the end of the aisle, and I was approaching that area. I gave him the definite up and down eyeing him without moving my head at all, and he could not see my eyes. All was well, right? Nope. My mistake was that I wanted just one more peek at him. And after I passed him, I turned around. He had also turned around. Busted.

A job with the CIA would obviously not be well-suited for me.

Usually my hubby selects the picture I post for the SPC, but he could not decide between these two. I liked the black and white; he liked both. So, I am posting two.

October's Self-Portrait Challenge theme is: Look beyond the surface of your life, dig into your imperfect self and reveal it to us. I want to see the down and dirty you, the messy, gross and ugly you, the side of yourself that you always try to hide, give us some insight into your dreadful secrets. This can be your physical self or your personal space or within your wider life. Be not afraid!


Uber Mer said...

I stare too. I can't help it, I find people so interesting. For me, I try to negate my intial reation to judge and I think of something positive. wonderful post.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm a starer too and even have my favorite lunch spots based on people watching potential. Endless fascination but I do sometimes find unkind comment forming in my head, particularly about some passerbys choice of outfit. Which is funny considering I'm no great shakes in the presentation department LOL!

I like both these pictures and would have ben hard pressed to choose. The B& W is so arty but the clour one is lovely and soft.

Anonymous said...

I like to be stared at, does that count? I like the B&W too. It reflects what you were saying about wearing your shades in doors.

Vedrana M. said...

interesting story...and funny about that hot dude at the grocery store :)! nice photos!

Deb R said...

Damn, Blogger ate my first attempt at a comment. Anyway...

I enjoyed the post and I really like both photos, although I think maybe I prefer the B/W version. I'm not even sure why, just something about it seems to me to fit the mood of being a secret observer.

angela said...

great photos! what is so amazing about this month's theme (to me) is the level of self awareness that is being expressed.
it makes me want to dig a little deeper for next week.

Jeremy Stockwell said...

Great idea for the 'imperfection' theme. Hey - there's a whole Flickr group for 'Busted Photographers' - "Pictures that you thought you were taking unobserved by the subject, but discovered upon viewing that you weren't as sneaky as you thought." Kind of like your story.

Personally, I like the color picture better. The two-tone treatment makes your hair look like wires to those earbud headphones and it looks like it's an ipod ad, or something!

Anonymous said...

The B&W fits the post quite well! I love it!

Thanks for the kind words on my blog btw... :)

Tammy Brierly said...

I love staring! If it's a flaw I must add it to my internal list. LOL Hey, they stare at me! You look beautimus in both and I love the cool spy shades :) Too bad no xray vision! LOL

Anonymous said...

Great post! People watching is so much fun, but I guess it can get you into trouble sometimes! I think everybody stares to some extent, just some people are better at hiding it!

Anonymous said...

oh dear! caught! LOL
I also like watching and wondering ... and *vote* for the black-and-white sketched effect photo : the sketch effect gives a bit of distance ... observational distance.

Anonymous said...

i stare all the time, i think that means we have the soul of a photgrapher!

V said...

I like both!

Charles said...

I like both two. I find myself staring in people's directions, but I am not staring at them. I am staring through them, into my thoughts. For the most part I feel when I am being looked at. Its strange, but I even know from which direction.