Sunday, October 15, 2006


A trip to the beach. Small souvenirs stored in jars. Kept displayed on a shelf, a dresser top, or a table. Little reminders of some moments in time. Your moments.

Guests to your home might take notice of your souvenirs and say nothing. Or they may question what particular beach you visited. Your response would probably be a simple one, and the conversation would change to another topic.

Alone, gazing at the little sand-filled glass jars, your mind tumbles into the past. Clearly seeing vivid images of waves crashing onto the shore, bringing with them little treasures for you to scoop up. Gently touching the wide variety of shells, taking in their texture with a lone finger. Hearing the oddly comforting sounds of the power and fury of the ocean. Smelling the unmistakable sea air wafting in the breeze that licks at your face. Feeling your feet sink into the grains of sand and wiggling your toes to revel in the tickle they create. The tip of your tongue slipping across your lips to moisten them after a day spent being kissed by the sun, tasting a hint of salt. A sense of calm surrounding your very being, pulling you into an oasis of blue.

Yes, just shells in jars to others. To you, mementos of a time that can be forever recalled within the beauty of your mind.

"Women need real moments of solitude and self-reflection to balance out how much of ourselves we give away." ~Barbara De Angelis


Lippy said...

Is it corny to say that an entry was pretty? Because this one was.


Anonymous said...

Very nice entry!

Tammy Brierly said...

Beautiful post and thoughts!

Much love

Barry Wallace said...

Maybe it's a guy thing, but I don't associate those kinds of memories with object - I associate actions, movement, places and activities with souveniers. I can't recall a time on vacation I just sat and relaxed, contemplating the horizon - not to say I've haven't done my share, but I always remember a ride on Pirates of the Caribbean or a snorkling trip much more clear than the calm, introspective moments.

TJ said...

Oh yes! Ah huh!
I do and the beach is a place I can walk forward without counting steps as I travel backwards. I reflect, remember and dream as I walk...a token treasure is a must.
I love rocks...a great entry.
Beautiful graphics.
Love to you.