Wednesday, March 08, 2006


On the polished court

the hunger for victory

fuels his body

Okay, okay, okay. So that was not haiku at its finest. Cut me some slack, since that is the first one I have ever written. Besides, I wrote it while I was in a goofy mood. Let me explain, please!

Thursday, the hubster and I are taking a trip to Indianapolis for the annual Big Ten Men's Basketball Tournament. I am very much looking forward to not only being pampered half to death at the hotel, but getting to watch game after game after game. Being swept up by the noise, sights, and the bodies of the players (::grin::) is a thrill for me. Conseco Fieldhouse is a great arena.

When I was born, I think the Gods of Men's College Basketball clobbered me on the head with their magic wands. I love the game. Always have. Always will. I am usually a very vocal spectator. Geez, I bet that comes as a surprise, huh?!!! I do enjoy watching the games on television, but being there in person brings a different kind of excitement and sensory overload.

Two of hubby's friends are also going. As was the case the last time I went, their wives did not want to go. Guess they are not quite as delighted as I am by the prospect of spending hours upon hours watching young men run and sweat and perform fantastic passes and shots and take-your-breath-away dunks. One fellow is bringing his three sons with him. The other is coming stag. Just me and mennnnnnnnnnnnnn. Might I politely insert a WOO HOO here? ::laugh::

I do want to take some time here to direct people to a site that is full of thought-provoking and well-written essays and poetry. The writers in this group are good people through and through. Their ability to express their thoughts is staggering. I am not a member of this particular club~for obvious reasons. However, I read each of the entries, and I am never disappointed with the quality of the words they share. It is the perfect place to visit and have your mind be expanded. Be prepared to spend more than just a few minutes there. No one can go and stay for a mere couple of minutes! This talented group can be found at: THE WRITE WORDS WRITING CLUB.

And now I am off to pack the last of my necessities for my trip. Think of me, please, and imagine me wildly clapping and delivering a well-timed WOOT during each of the games!

"I've tried to handle winning well, so that maybe we'll win again, but I've also tried to handle failure well. If those serve as good examples for teachers and kids, then I hope that would be a contribution I have made to sport. Not just basketball, but to sport." ~Coach Mike Krzyzewski, Duke University


Tawnya said...

Have a wonderful time!! I will be in Canada Friday and yeah I am so looking forward to it!!! Tawnya

Jod{i} said...

Why are you not a member? HUH? PFFFT....
I, as a member, would LOVE for you to join!
I have been reading your archives and I hate to be the one to tell ya lady, you can write!

Soooo what are ya waiting for? Geesh...


Tammy Brierly said...

Yeah! What Jodi said...ditto :)

Woop Woop! Have fun with the mennnn!

Be Safe

V said...

C`mon, join us! WWWC

My son & I saw the Duke-Kentucky Eastern final NCAA game that is considered the greatest college game ever played. It was at the Spectrum in Philly & I had gotten tickets by mail in December. Grant Hill passes to Christian Laettner, top of the key, 1 second left, score!


Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time. Eat, drink, and above all .... be MERRY ! Come home feeling refreshed and relaxed and renewed ... and then write and tell us all about it ... Enjoy ! Tina

Chris said...

Good Lord, what hot-blooded woman wouldn't WANT to be watching hot, sweaty, good lookin' men runnin' around? I sure as heck would! Hope you had a great time!

Gannet Girl said...

Hope you're having fun!

Christina K Brown said...


WTF....yes you can too write.

(did I just almost cuss?)


have you joined us yet?