Saturday, July 01, 2006

1st Self-Portrait Challenge of July

The month of July's Self-Portrait Challenge is a curious one. We are to portray ourselves as a chair, Marlon Brando, or anything we wish! The challenge is "Self-portrait as ..." Yes, we decide just whatever it is we want to be or are or could be.

I elected to portray myself as a tree. A Weeping Willow tree to be precise.

During a television interview some years ago, Barbara Walters asked Katharine Hepburn if she could be any kind of tree, which would she be. Hepburn's response was that she would be an oak tree. Walters was mocked and ridiculed for having asked what most felt was as an incredibly stupid question.

I took exception to the criticism thrown at her. First of all, Hepburn was the one who compared herself to a tree during the course of the conversation. Walters simply followed up that remark by asking her to specify which tree.

Second, I find it to be a very interesting question, and the response can be quite revealing.

Yes, I am a Weeping Willow tree.

Willows bend with the movement of the air around them. They almost seem to lean impossibly far in strong winds. One would think they will surely snap from the extreme force. Yet, they do not. They return to their upright position. They are flexible that way. I like to believe I, too, can handle the harsh occurrences life gives me and that I bend with them...but do not break in two. I am oftentimes quite strong like the deceivingly fragile Willows.

I love the feeling of the wind blowing my long hair, much like how the slender leaves and hanging branches of a Willow sway from the gusts of wind or slight breezes. The branches provide shade and comfort and privacy to those who gather around the trunk. I invite my loved ones to nestle around me and look to me to console them and find peace around me. I will guard them from any and all harm that I possibly can.

I am tall, and most Willow trees are, too. They also grow rapidly. ::smile:: I shot up six inches in one year (from seventh to eighth grade). Unfortunately, I only gained 15 pounds, so gangly would be a kind word to describe my spindly frame at that time.

Ah, a WEEPING Willow...I do weep. Not often so others can see, but the depth of my feelings about almost anything and everything causes me to scamper off to a quiet place where the tears can flow.

Most importantly, a Willow has a tenacious root system. Incredibly powerful and capable of breaking concrete and wreaking havoc on underground lines. That root system nourishes them and gives them their strength. I find my strength in my roots. My family is my root structure. A supportive, vital, integral part of my existence.

So, you see, Barbara's question was not a foolish one at all. In fact, I am glad she asked Hepburn to name a specific tree, because it made me think of just which tree suited me.

*Thank you, Tish, for the suggestion that I enlarge the image.


Bon & Mal Mott said...

So you are a Willow. You already know what I am, and if you like, I shall apologize for considering it to be a silly question.

'PeachBelle' said...

Very well written blog post! This deserves a Blog-of-the-month award!

Tish said...

Beautiful! You should consider having a larger version available when you click on it.

Deb R said...

Cool self-portrait and I loved reading your reasons behind it.

Anonymous said...

I loved the assosiations you made between the chosen tree and your self.
Nice photo, but the text spoke to me the most, - thank you!
I'll think about that: What kind of tree am I?

kristen said...

I love this ~ very creative and clever!

Tish said...

Awesome! I'm so glad you decided to enlarge the image! You're very welcome for the suggestion. :)

Kim Carney said...

that is awesome. And description beautiful

JC said...

I love you as a tree. And I concur that the description of it was amazing too!

SonyaMadden said...

I reckon this is heaps cool!! Looks earth mother, gaia!

Love it!

Globetrotter said...

A gorgeous entry, Nikki, and so many beautiful analogies that are right on! You are all of those things and much, much more! The tenacious root system needs much watering because it thirsts. Free spirits and creative beings like yourself are constantly striving to swallow big chunks of life like a weeping willow tree devours water. I consider myself a willow, too, eager for new experiences and thirsting for knowledge and new opportunities for creativity, love and passion.

Loved this entry!

Tammy Brierly said...

Perfect analogies and it is so you!
Beautiful spirit, so well grounded and I love you to pieces! Great limbs :)

angela said...

wow, great job! i like the photo and your desriptions and comparisons of the willow.
can't wait to see "you as" next week :)

turquoise cro said...

Great post! I have always loved weeping willows! They are so graceful, I haven't decided what tree I am yet, maybe a banana tree!!!?? Lol