Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I feel puny. Both of my ears are infected {insert whine}, and they feel like they will soon be exploding right off my head...taking much brain matter with them. My throat is sore {boo hoo}, and talking makes it hurt worse. I am in a feverish state and shaking like a leaf at what must be subzero temperatures in my house {violin, anyone?}. However, it's Self-Portrait Challenge time, and I briefly entertained the notion of not bothering to post anything for it. Why bother? Sometimes when I see what others post, while interesting and well-done, I fail to see how it really fits the theme for the month. Then again, we all have our own unique thought processes, and self-expression of them is the name of the game when it comes to the SPC. This month's theme is enclosed places. Should I take a picture of the cotton ball that is currently shoved into my ear? Uh, I'll pass. That would actually fit the theme, though. ::grin::

Anywhoooooo, in keeping with the theme of confining and enclosed spaces (and not out there on some super cerebral plane of consciousness), I have posted this self-portrait of me inside a revolving door. It was taken in Chicago on August 4, 2006, just as I was entering our hotel after having seen the King Tut Exhibit.


Anonymous said...

I like the impromptu nature of your self-portrait in an *enclosure* ... and can so relate to the icky illness feeling (SAME HERE! why is it so cold at the moment!)

Anonymous said...

I hope your ears get better soon! Also just wanted to say, from the perspective of a newcomer, that I think SPC is most interesting when people try and go with the theme. What's got me thinking here is that someone has thought to take a photo of you in the doorway.. between a hot street and deeply cool hotel. Intriguing..

Barry Wallace said...

Looks like we don't know if we're coming or going! :)

Revolving doors have always fascinated me, I don't know why. They seem a little creepy to me sometimes. I think being trapped in one would be strange, especially those really big wooden framed ones. I'm also nervous about my kids going through them sometimes and getting caught in between.

Deb R said...

I think this is perfect for the theme - revolving doors creep me out! You look pretty though. :-)

I hope your ears get better soon.

Tammy Brierly said...

AWWW Nikki I'm sorry you feel like crap:( You look happy in your SPC though :)

Sending virtual chicken soup, cotton balls and hugs. XXOO

Feel better soon!

Charles said...

Hope you feel better. Hey maybe I should go test my camera. Does a cramped closet count? LMAO

get well!

Anonymous said...

Aww Nikki hope you are feeling better now?
Want some soup? I will run right over! ;)

Wish I could