Sunday, September 17, 2006


Ordinary to the casual eye
blending with the others
going about their mundane lives

A second glance not worthy
of one so plain and simple
already forgotten by the passersby

These are but constant moments
in her vast sea of time
overlooked and deemed inadequate

Her lips curve in a knowing smile
what seems to be and what is
two opposites of the extreme

Holding within her a complexity
of burgeoning passions
only she recognizes and embraces

The flame rages in its dwelling
threatening to burn through
to bring forth the reality of her substance

She quells the blaze to avoid notice
mediocrity her preferred appearance
one among many

she lets the fire engulf her
and she soars



QUASAR9 said...

Wow bedazzled
fires burning
flames raging
passions soaring

Innermost thoughts the mind fill
the heart and passions overspill
Hot, hot, hot!!!

Anonymous said...

You have a wonderful blog. The music is
soothing, while I was surfing blogs this made me slow down, look through your blog and appreciate all your talent. Really like your blog.

Bon & Mal Mott said...

So many of us suppress the fire within, not wanting to create a conflagration that may be uncontrollable. Learning control is difficult, but worthwhile.
Very nice poem, and illuminating.

Bonnie and Walt

V said...

Aww, Nikki; a beauty.