Saturday, September 02, 2006


I have gotten myself into a fine mess now. A literal mess. Here in my study. Why is it that in trying to restore some semblance of tidiness to a room, it must first look as though a tornado has had its way with the room? Maybe my A.D.D. tendencies in conjunction with my packrat trait have conspired to drive me into a panic.

What began as a simple, "I will rearrange the furniture in this room" has evolved into discovering paintings I have done and shrieking when I see how godawful they are. It was much nicer when they were crammed into portfolios or stashed behind desks (yes, I have two desks in here, as well as a drafting table and chair and an overstuffed chair, and cabinets. ::sigh::).

So, with the room torn apart, I stopped to fix one of the paintings that has always bothered me. I knew the distant hills were wrong, wrong, wrong. Watercolors are about the least forgiving medium in which to work, and that added to my frustration. I do think I corrected those hills, though. Now, I look at it and think I should have done the water along the shoreline differently. It should not be in such a straight line. Should it? Yet, the waves are going horizontally, not rushing onto the shore. Still, I am pretty sure there should be some variation in the line. Ugh. I am not sure I can fix that. I will try. (Top painting is the "corrected" one, bottom painting is the former one.)

And should I really even be diving into painting when I still have "things" strewn all over the room? Wouldn't it be better to finish putting everything into place first and THEN retrieving old paintings to alter more to my liking?

Eh, I have never taken the easy and most frequently traveled path. Looks like I will be painting today. ::smile:: But when I DO get to sorting through these piles of papers and objects, I am going to be ruthless. Sentimentalism is going to be squashed, and I am throwing or giving away a lot. I think. God, I hope.

"His study was a total mess, like the results of an explosion in a public library." ~Douglas Adams


Charles said...

Cool, I see the difference. It actually looks like two separate mountains now. That is neat how you were able to fix it.

I have to say, I liked it either way. You have some talent.

Helen said...

You are in a cleaning mode aren' t you!

Jod{i} said...

Sigh Nikki Nikki Nikki....
I have downtime with my art at the moment, as I wait for delivery of canvas...and the mind whirls endlessly of ideas...Anyway, each day I pick up one of the 64 sitting on the easle and just throughout the day stare at it...More so the unfinished or those I have deemed needing to be reworked a tad...
Those that come and visit dont see it..I think we who push that paint see it for the vision is stuck in the head. No one else may and usually it is subtle enough(Unless you do what I do is paint over the whole thing with a new idea lol)...
I think we see something in most of the paintings...Ya know?
I do see the difference, yet I personally was content with the previous...Yet its not about my vision is it? ;)

Beautiful Nik!

Bigmac said...

It's perfect don't touch more. Barcelona...

Very good choice of music. I don't say more.


Tammy Brierly said...

Keep cleaning! I loved this one and don't throw any away. I have a home to fill. LOL


Jod{i} said...

I know you!
Blogmad schmack!
I was going to type BM instead of blogmad but bm schmack jus didnt sound right!


Anonymous said...

Cool blog. Nice painting - though I took art lessons, I was never able to paint anything that vaguely resembled a human :/
I just stuck to lemons and flowerfields :(
Very cool painting - good luck with cleaning up though!
Another BlogMad hit!
Greetings from South Africa!

Globetrotter said...

Hi you nut! Moving furniture again, eh? Heehee!

I was a sentimentalist too till I moved to a much smaller house. Made me throw all kinds of cool stuff out. Sigh.

I have a room filled with paintings, too. The cat really likes sitting on the bed in there and looking around. Glad , they're useful to her at least!

As far as the shoreline goes, unless you are using gouache I don't know how you can change it now without seriously destroying the paper. I was never good at scratching out, but maybe you are. That's why I don't use watercolors anymore. I'd leave it alone because right now the focus is on the couple in the foreground and changing the shoreline could distract from that. You could stick some seagrass or something in the lower lefthand corner and have it lean towards the couple. It would break up the straight line and lead the viewer into the picture. But again, I'd probably leave it alone because it looks quite lovely as is. I like what you did with her hair (rich!)and the mountains. Yes, the darker colors come forward and make the distant mountains receed. Exactly right.YYou could even add a dab of warm color to the mountains closest to the couple in order to bring that area a little more forward and create an additional sense of distance.Hope you don't mind my 2 cents.

What the heck is Blogmad? I'm so out of it! Keep cleaning but don't thow anything away!

Globetrotter said...

Just looked at the painting again and thought that a couple dabs of burnt sienna right above the grassline in front of the nearest mountain would bring that area a little more forward and tie in with the chick's hair beautifully. Also burnt sienna is semi-transparent so a light wash of it over some nooks and crannys would not destroy the lovely colors underneath.

Aren't I a pain in the butt, and aren't you sorry you asked?